Amanda Winks, Chief Executive Officer, Housing Trust
Love, love, love… It’s a classic, easy to sing along and guaranteed to put a pep in your step and hope in your heart… But I’m going out on a limb to disagree with Lennon and McCartney. As humans of course we need love, but there’s a few other things that are right up there and the shelter of a home is one of them.
Since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, having a home has been widely considered a basic human right. So, why does homelessness continue to rise at alarming rates, and why do we so easily pass judgment on those who are homeless or living in subsidised housing? These are big questions, and both the reasons and responses are complex.
According to the City Futures Team at UNSW’s Australian Homelessness Monitor 2024 homelessness is “a significant, fundamental and growing problem for Australia.” Nationally, 10,000 people per month are counted as “newly homeless” and heartbreakingly, this reflects only those seeking assistance. Homelessness is extending to a wider group including those who work, and the experience is getting harsher. On average over 4,600 people are sleeping rough each month before seeking support and ‘housing affordability stress’ is the fastest growing reason they need help for the first time.
While notably difficult to count, 2021 Census data found that almost 1,000 people experience homelessness in the Wollongong and Shellharbour LGA’s. And, if we focus on some other statistics in our own community, we can quickly see why and how this number is likely just the tip of the iceberg.
The median purchase price of a house in the Wollongong LGA exceeds $1 million, falling just shy at $930,000 in the Shellharbour LGA. Units are not far behind at over $700,000 in both areas. Rental vacancies stubbornly hover around 1% and more than 10,000 households live in housing stress forgoing critical needs like meals and a trip to the GP to make sure they can pay their rent or mortgage repayments. 2,845 households wait for an offer of social housing, and 11% of these applicants are priority – this means they are or will become homeless, have experienced or are at risk of harm (including violence, torture, or trauma), or are living in a home that lacks essential services like water or electricity.
You can point the finger any which way – those impacted, and all levels of government are often the first targets.
From the unique perspective of someone who has worked in the Community Housing Sector for almost a decade, I can say two things with great confidence. The first is that it only takes one key life event – a marriage breakdown, job loss or illness for the burden of housing insecurity or even homelessness to quickly become a reality for pretty much any of us.
Secondly, and very much thankfully, there’s a changing narrative and it’s gathering momentum. From individuals, community groups, private enterprises and all levels of Government – widespread recognition and agreement that having a safe, secure and affordable home is a foundational need.
After years of rising construction and increased financing costs, there’s no question that market conditions are tricky. Despite this, a quick look at local and state government planning portals shows that private property owners and developers are beginning to take up the opportunity to include Affordable housing in their developments.
Enabled under recent reforms to State Environmental Planning Policy and aimed at increasing the supply and availability of Affordable housing, there is a growing list of applications and some approvals for projects in the Wollongong LGA alone, that once built will bring to life hundreds of new affordable rental homes. A certain light at the end of the tunnel for all those on low and moderate incomes struggling to keep a roof over their head.
These homes will be managed by Community Housing Providers under the guidance of NSW Government Guidelines for a specified period, usually 10 or 15 years. They will be available to a range of income earners from very low to moderate income households. Rent is capped to make sure there is still enough money for other basic needs like food, healthcare and education and eligibility is reviewed annually to make sure homes are provided for those who most need them – all good things.
At a community level, the inclusion of affordable rental housing in our developments does three things. It ensures the availability of a decent affordable home for those we love – our kids, parents and siblings. It ensures that as many people as possible have access to other basic needs – from food and healthcare to education and employment. And, it ensures we have a vibrant, thriving community where we can all participate, as we can and as we choose to. In the words of a Housing Trust tenant, access to a safe, secure and affordable home means:
” For the first time in a very long time I feel, safe, secure and stable and a huge part of that is related to my Housing Trust property. Thank you for providing my children and I such an opportunity.”
With these beautiful words in mind and with love in your heart, I hope you too see housing as a basic human right. Join the chorus and embrace the vision of a community where there is a decent home for everyone.