The Australian Government has established the School Student Broadband Initiative to provide free home internet to unconnected families until June 30th, 2028. The aim is to support children to build their digital skills and narrow the digital divide.
If you have school-aged children living in your home and do not already have broadband connected to your home, you may be eligible. Families can contact the National Referral Centre – run by Anglicare Victoria – at 1800 954 610 (Monday – Friday, 10am – 6pm AEDT), or visit: to apply and check eligibility.
The program is capped at 30,000 new NBN connections so be sure to sign up today. All existing sign ups will automatically roll on until 30th June 2028.
As always, please contact Housing Trust directly to have any alterations made to your home, including NBN connection. If you need assistance to access this program, please call Housing Trust directly and one of our friendly team members will assist.
Warmest regards,
Housing Trust