Cadetship Program 2023

Earn while you learn

For the third year in a row, Housing Trust are proud to be taking part in Community Industry Housing Association (CHIA) NSW Cadetship Program. This exciting program is an opportunity for successful cadets to undertake paid employment and training in application/allocation services, tenancy, property, and asset maintenance management with us as a Community Housing Provider whilst studying a CHC42221 Certificate IV in Housing for a period of 12-months.  Places are limited, with only 25 cadetships offered throughout NSW each year until 2024.

Housing Trust was fortunate enough to have a total of 3 cadets join us over the past 2 years.

Gwladys who is our 2022 Cadet says that she was drawn to work with Housing Trust as she was “attracted to the mission of everyone deserving a home, to live a healthy and fulfilling life. In the precarious and overwhelming housing landscape right now, I was attracted to the message that HT is here to help to change people’s lives”.

For more on our Cadets and their stories click here.

Program Details

For information about the Cadetship Program, please refer to the attached Employment and Training Information Pack.

To Submit Your Application

If you’d like to be considered for a place in the Cadetship Program, please submit an application via this form by COB 5pm 28th October 2022.  

Once received, all applications will be assessed, with suitable candidates contacted to complete an online reading and numeracy assessment, as well as an interview.

If you have any questions or need assistance in the meantime, feel free to contact Housing Trust on 4254 1166 or email us at Alternatively you can speak to the Cadetship Program team directly by emailing

Wishing you all the best with your application!

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Need help?

If you have any questions, get in touch with the Housing Trust team today.

We’re available at 02 4254 1166 or