The affordable housing crisis and a case for mixed tenure developments

Housing Trust CEO Michele Adair speaks to Architecture and Design about the importance of mixed tenure developments
NSW Budget

Michele Adair explains why we need more affordable housing like Wollongong’s Northsea development

The high-end apartments that cost $2.4 million to buy, or just $100 to rent

Mixed-tenure development in Wollongong delivers great views – equitably

Collaboration delivers homes for Wollongong

Former derelict Wollongong CBD site to be turned into ‘Northsea’ mixed housing project

Shellharbour woman Lyn Bailey adds voice to inquiry into homelessness among older people

ABC Illawarra 9/6

Housing Trust CEO Michele Adair speaks to ABC Illawarra. Interview starts 2:03:33
Housing Crisis 6/6

Councils across the Illawarra and South Coast are being called on to do more to tackle the region’s worsening housing crisis.
Nowra Homelessness

Rental Crisis