Housing Trust leasing starts for Corrimal Development

Housing Trust is now leasing our brand new affordable 2-bedroom units and 4-bedroom townhouses at Correa Gardens in Corrimal.    These beautiful new homes are due for completion in coming weeks with the first tenants to move in during October.  Correa Gardens is conveniently positioned within walking distance to public transport links and close to […]

A time to care not vilify

In the last few weeks we’ve seen a rise in the number of people living in affordable rental housing and homelessness services testing positive for Covid-19. Among them are cases in Camperdown, Redfern and Wollongong. This has resulted in Public Health Orders and police supervision just as it should in any apartment building. Some of […]

Book Week Competition Winners

The lucky winners of our Book Week Competition are Kathy Moon, Claire Williams and Alice Donovan. A copy of their favourite book has been posted out. Thank you to the many tenants that took the time to enter. Book Week is a great opportunity to celebrate Australian authors and engage minds, both young and older.

Housing Trust Common Area QR Codes

Dear Tenants Tenants are NOT required to use the QR codes on display in Housing Trust common areas to check-in.  QR codes must now be displayed at Housing Trust properties for our employees and contractors to check-in when visiting a site.  This is a COVID Safe workplace requirement mandated by the NSW Government. If you […]

How a little help can go a long way

Jungrae Hong received the Tylah West Education Scholarship in 2020 & 2021. It helped to pay for Jungae’s translation course and exams. Korean born, Jungrae is a full time carer for her husband whom is very ill. This placed restrictions on her ability to earn an income. However, Jungrae had self-determination and was proactive in […]

2021 IMB Bank Illawarra Business Awards Finalists

2021 IMB Bank Illawarra Business Awards Finalists We’re proud to announce that Housing Trust has been named a finalist in the following categories for the Illawarra Business Awards: Outstanding Employee – Nikayla Beer-Herring Excellence in Customer Service Outstanding Business Leader – Michele Adair Outstanding Community Organisation This year we were pleased to see two members […]

Wear it Purple

Wear it Purple Day is an annual LGBTIQA+ awareness day especially for young people. Supporters wear purple to celebrate diversity and young people from the LGBTIQA+ community. The day is organised by Wear it Purple, a student run, not for profit organisation, that provides presentations and workshops. For more information go to www.wearitpurple.org. Wear it […]

Update on Repairs and Maintenance

Following the recent updates to public health orders in NSW Housing Trust has implemented changes to its maintenance service to limit potential exposure and spread of COVID-19. From Sunday 18 July Housing Trust will only be permitted to carry out urgent repairs in accordance with the revised public health orders. These repairs are defined under […]