Eager Street, Corrimal

In August, Housing Trust completed five new homes at 32 Eager Street, Corrimal. The homes are a mixture of social and affordable housing, with four townhouses and one villa. Eager Street is conveniently positioned within walking distance to public transport links and close to supermarkets and shops. Please note applications for affordable housing were […]
Housing Trust calls for partnership with WCC

Housing Trust is calling on Wollongong City Council to formally partner with them to provide social and affordable housing in the Illawarra. Housing Trust CEO Michele Adair says council needs to invest in the future of people desperately seeking housing by working on solutions to a growing problem within the region. Supporting MP Stephen Jones’ […]
Easter Colouring-In Competition

WIN A CHOCOLATE EASTER BASKET! Competition Information Help Jim and his Easter bunny friends colour up Easter this year at the Housing Trust. With Easter a bunny hop away the Housing Trust is proudly hopping into your local shopping centre with Bunny Boo and his friends. Dapto Mall Thursday 6th April 6pm Stocklands Shellharbour Saturday 8th April 10am Figtree Grove Sunday 9th April 10am […]
Bringing Christmas Joy to our tenants

Housing Trust bringing Christmas Joy to their tenants Housing Trust tenants enjoyed an interactive concert and lunch on Tuesday, dancing and singing along with Santa at the Annual Housing Trust Christmas event. The Christmas Concert was a free event through which the Housing Trust shows its appreciation for its tenants and a great way to […]
Central Gardens affordable housing development in Shellharbour officially opens

Residents in the Illawarra will benefit from increased access to affordable housing following the official opening of the Central Gardens housing development in Shellharbour. Member for Kiama & Parliamentary Secretary for the Illawarra, Mr Gareth Ward MP officially opened the new complex at a ceremony held on Tuesday 7 June and was joined by representatives […]
Change of The Illawarra Community Housing Trust’s Auditors
The Illawarra Community Housing Trust Ltd (THT) advises that the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) have consented to the resignation of the Company’s auditors, KPMG (Wollongong) effective from the date of this notice.In accordance with ASIC Regulatory Guide 26, paragraphs RG 26.59-RG26.61, the Company provides the following information: The outgoing auditor is:KPMGLevel 3, 63 […]
The Housing Trust supports Anglicare’s findings on Housing Affordability in the Illawarra

Illawarra’s largest community housing provider, The Housing Trust, has come out in support of findings released from Anglicare’s Rental Affordability Snapshot 2015 for the Greater Sydney and the Illawarra regions. The snapshot, which was released today, reflects the decline in rental affordability for low income households in the Illawarra. Findings from the snapshot indicate that […]