en English

Tylah West Education Scholarships Now Open for 2022

The scholarship was established in 2016, with assistance to tenants from 2017 onwards. Thus far, it has help 60 tenants with the opportunity to improve their education, training and work opportunities at a cost of over $98,000. In 2021 the scholarship funding was provided by Housing Trust without assistance from sponsors. In May 2021 a fundraiser was held, raising more than $22,000 for 2022 recipients.

Who is Eligible?

  • You must be a tenant or resident in a Housing Trust property.
  • Be studying or training in 2022
  • Be starting a new job, apprenticeship or traineeship in 2022
  • Attend primary or high school in 2022
  • Not be in receipt of any other scholarships in 2022
  • More than one household or family member may apply
  • There are no age restrictions for applicants

Types of expenses the scholarship may cover:

  • School, TAFE, college or university fees
  • School excursions and school sports fees
  • Tutoring
  • Computer equipment (maximum $750)
  • Office equipment and supplies
  • Textbooks
  • Uniforms or work wear
  • Tools
  • Transport

Other items may be discussed with the scholarship team upon application.

For more information please read both our Guidelines available below.

Please email twes@housingtrust.org.au should you have any further questions. Alternatively, you can call us on 4254 1166.

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